Ancient Greek and Roman History
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Cedilnik Alenka, doc. dr. Lovenjak Milan
Sources for Greek history, arrival of Indo-Europeans to Greece, period of Creto-Mycenaean civilization, Doric migration, formation of city-states (polis), Greek colonization of the Mediterranean, social order in the Archaic period, Greco-Persian Wars, Delian League and the period of Athenian supremacy in Greece, Athens in the period of Pericles, Peloponnesian War, the period of Spartan hegemony, social order in the Classical period, rise of Macedonia and the period of Alexander the Great, Hellenism, incorporation of Greece into the Roman state, communications of the present Slovenian territory with the Greek world.
Sources for Roman history, Italy during the Bronze Age, immigration of Italici and Etruscans, the period of Etruscan kings, the founding of the Republic and the development during the early period (5th and 4th century BC), gradual expansion of the Roman state along the Italian peninsula and the Mediterranean, wars with Carthage, Pyrrhus and Hellenistic states in the east, the great slave rebellions in the period of the Roman Republic, social disorders and civil wars at the end of the Republic, transition into monarchy, period of early Empire from Augustus to Diocletian (Principate), period from Diocletian to the fall of the Western Roman Empire (Dominate), political history of the Imperial period, expansion of Christianity, reasons for the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Eastern Roman Empire to transition onto the Byzantine period.
H. Bengtson, Grundriß der Römischen Geschichte mit Quellenkunde. Republik und Kaiserzeit bis 284 n. Chr., Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft III. 5. 1, München 1967. 455 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 2102368
R. Bratož, Grška zgodovina. Kratek pregled s temeljnimi viri in izbrano literaturo, Ljubljana 2015. 316 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 277553920
R. Bratož, Rimska zgodovina. Prvi del: Od začetkov do nastopa cesarja Dioklecijana. Ljubljana 2007 (527 strani). COBISS.SI-ID - 234823424
A. Demandt, Die Spätantike. Römische Geschichte von Diocletian bis Justinijan 284-565 n. Chr., Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft III. 6,München 2007 (2. Izd.). 753 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 26706477
M. Le Glay, J.-L. Voisin, Y. Le Bohec, A History of Rome, Oxford 2009, 639 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 6909726
Pomeroy, Sarah B. et al., Ancient Greece : a political, social, and cultural history, New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 (2. izdaja). 568 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 6140958
M. Šašel Kos, V srcu rimskega imperija. Zgodovina slovenskega prostora v antiki do vlade Maksimina Tračana. Ljubljana: Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije, 2020 (Zbirka Zgodovinskega časopisa; 51). 420 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 19613699
H. Wolfram, Rimsko cesarstvo in njegovi Germani. Pripoved o izvoru in prihodu. [prevod in spremna beseda M. Lovenjak]. - Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis : Založba ZRC, 2022. 459 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 107656451
Tit Livij. Od ustanovitve mesta. Zezek. I: knjige 1-5. Prevedel Primož Simoniti; uredil David Movrin. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, 2022, 490 str. COBISS.SI-ID – 135268611
Priporočena literatura:
M. Lovenjak, Senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre (CIL II2, 5.900) in Tacitov opis procesa proti Gneju Pizonu (Ljubljana). V: Keria , leto 2016, letn. 18, št. 2, str. 47-78. COBISS.SI-ID 63678050
M. Lovenjak, Rimski tribun Cola di Rienzo (1347), Res gestae divi Augusti in Lex de imperio Vespasiani. V: Keria, leto 2018, letn. 20, št. 1, str. 47-104. COBISS.SI-ID 68650082
M. Lovenjak, Lex Irnitana - flavijski municipalni zakon. V: Keria, leto 2021, letn. 23, št. 1, str. 19-95. COBISS.SI-ID 78661891
M. Lovenjak, Laktancij in spis O smrtih preganjalcev. Clotho. Leto 2021, letn. 3, št. 1, str. 123-139. ISSN 2670-6210. COBISS.SI-ID 77651203
Knjiga Lucija Cecilija izpovedovalcu Donatu o smrtih preganjalcev. [Prevedel Milan Lovenjak] Clotho. [Tiskana izd.]. 2021, letn. 3, št. 1, str. 141-179. COBISS.SI-ID 77649411
Listed texts are synthetic historical works and discuss the same topic. Thus students should consult primarily the chosen topics according to the lecture contents or professor’s suggestions.