Analysis and Translation of Japanese ScientificTexts 2
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 60
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Shigemori Bučar Chikako
The students reinforce the knowledge gained in the previous year, about the properties of scientific and technical text, phases required in the creation of such text, specifics of Japanese scientific and technical language and issues appearing at translating scientific texts. While writing their master thesis, they take turns in presenting their texts at the seminar; by analysing the texts of other student under the supervision of the lecturer they further their active knowledge of Japanese technical language. Using the contrastive analysis on Slovenian and Japanese on the lexical, syntactic, textual and pragmatic level, they test and analyse the methodological approaches, micro- and macro-strategies and common translation issues in translation to Japanese.
Nitsuu Nobuko, Satou Fujiko. Kaiteiban Ryuugakusei no tame no ronritekina bunshou no kakikata (Pisanje logičnih besedil: za tuje študente). Tokyo: 3Anetwork 2003. COBISS.SI-ID - 161478915
Academic Japanese kenkyuukai, Japanese for International College / Graduate Students: Composition, Tokyo 2001. COBISS.SI-ID - 162329091
Muraoka et al., Ronbun sakusei no tame no bushooryoku koojoo puroguramu, University of Osaka, Osaka 2013. COBISS.SI-ID - 28155139