Observation Practicum in Psychology
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 2
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Depolli Steiner Katja, doc. dr. Pirc Tina, prof. dr. Peklaj Cirila, prof. dr. Puklek Levpušček Melita
Students choose the observation practicum in one of the basic educational courses (Psychology for Teachers, Pedagogy, Dydactic, Andragogy). The practicum is performed under the supervision of a university teacher/assistant and mentor in partner schools. The university teacher/assistant will coordinate the practicum, prepare materials and assess it together with the mentor in the partner school. The educational practicum can be spread across the semester - 15 hours.
- Preparation of action research connected with certain problems in the classroom (e.g., in relationships, communication, classroom management, classroom interaction, motivation);
- Observation and detection of interpersonal differences among students in their ways of learning, learning styles; how to help students plan their learning activities;
- Observation and work with students with special needs (get to know the individualised learning programme, team work with students with special needs; university students offer individual help to students in the classroom);
- Work with gifted students; become acquainted with the role of teacher in identifying gifted students;
- Help teacher with his/her classroom work;
- Become acquainted with different professional services in school and their role in school and in work with students;
- Become acquainted with different ways of monitoring student progress, and giving feedback to students and their parents.
Wragg. E.C. (1999). An introduction to classroom observation. London. Routledge, 136 str. https://search-ebscohost-com.nukweb.nuk.uni-lj.si/login.aspx?direct=tru…
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