Od kartoteke do umetne inteligence: Razvoj in perspektive hetitologije s tehničnega vidika
Lingvistični krožek Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani vabi na 1237. sestanek, ki bo v ponedeljek, 11. decembra, ob 18. uri v Modri sobi v 5. nadstropju Filozofske fakultete. Na temo Od kartoteke do umetne inteligence: Razvoj in perspektive hetitologije s tehničnega vidika / From Filecards to AI: Development and Prospects of Hittitology from a Technical Perspective bo predaval prof. dr. Gerfrid G. W. Müller, Univerza v Würzburgu.
Kratek povzetek v angleščini:
What tools and resources were available to Hittitology when Silvin Košak moved from the Chicago Hittite Dictionary to Hittite research at the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz? Starting from this perspective, the development steps with all their obstacles and insights that led to the Hittitology Portal Mainz in its present form will be traced. As a living research infrastructure, the portal is constantly changing, which is why new, unfinished projects will also be presented and perspectives for the future addressed. In view of the hype surrounding AI, the question arises as to whether we will still need philologists and linguists in the future (or will computer scientists take over?).
Predavanje bo v angleščini, poslušali pa ga boste lahko tudi po Zoomu na tej povezavi.