Oddelek za zgodovino

Mednarodno tekmovanje o geopolitiki


Pozdravljene, pozdravljeni, 

Študentke in študentje vseh stopenj ste vabljeni na 7. Mednarodno tekmovanje o geopolitiki. 

Več informacij organizatorjev: 

The event aims to find the best and most ambitious students in the field of Geopolitics and reward them with an opportunity to integrate, discuss, and get known to scholars and other best students, as well as reward them with honorable titles and valuable prizes. 

The languages of the competition are Polish and English. 

Please find more information on our website: https://ptg.edu.pl/competition/. 

Each person willing to participate in this event is obliged to send the Application Form (please find enclosed) before March, 1st. All foreign participants do not need to pay an organizational fee, however, the University shall cover all costs related to travel and accommodation expenses if students will be qualified for the final games in December this year. 

Looking forward to queries, we are willing to cooperate with your Institution to improve the quality of education. All enquires as well as all applications shall be sent directly to olimpiada@ptg.edu.pl or the Coordinator of the competition - dr Piotr Wilczyński piotr.wilczynski@up.krakow.pl. 

Start form.doc


Oddelek za prevajalstvo

Sprememba GU Ada Gruntar Jermol

Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko

Strokovna služba oddelka 9.7.

Osrednja humanistična knjižnica

Knjižnica Oddelka za klasično filologijo v sredo in petek, 10. in 12. 7. 2024

Oddelek za geografijo

Sprememba GU Simon Kušar

Oddelek za muzikologijo

Strokovna služba oddelka - uradne ure (8. 7. - 12. 7.)